Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Get the fires burning... rev up your metabolism! - By Sangeeta Rana

(Published on 2 May 2006 in 'Women at Work' - W @ W - a supplement of the Daily Mirror, Colombo, Sri Lanka)

The world has blamed Napoleon for the Battle of Waterloo. And the world has blamed ‘Metabolism’ for the ‘Battle of the Bulge!’ While numerous generals down the ages have learnt from Napoleon’s mistakes not too many have been able to fathom out the intricacies and strategies that would lead them to vanquish the ‘Battle of the Bulge’.

I've blamed my metabolism my whole life without actually knowing what metabolism is all about. I’ve considered it my adversary… but have really never studied my opponent to overpower it. I finally looked for professional help. The Art of War by Sun TZu, a military genius was referred to:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” - Sun Tzu

Armed with this new found wisdom – I set off on a war footing pace to know a little more about this monster called METABOLISM, rather than just surrender without a fight.

The word metabolism originates from the Greek word ‘metabole’ meaning change and stands for the chemical processes in a living organism by which food is used for tissue growth or energy production. For metabolism to take place calories are burnt. Everybody’s metabolic rate varies. Metabolic rate is the amount of calories a person burns at rest, or the amount of energy his body uses to function. This brings us to a simple conclusion. To lose weight a person would need to increase his metabolic rate so that he can burn more calories than what he normally does.

Extreme dieting or inactivity can slow the calorie burn even more. However there are numerous ways one can boost up one’s metabolism. Any activity, from washing clothes to shopping, speeds up the rate at which you burn calories. The best way of course is to exercise. Not only does the exercise itself burn calories, but a good workout creates muscle, which burns calories more quickly than any other tissue.

Refrain from over calorie cutting
Extreme dieting is a definite way of not losing weight. Your body is programmed to defend your usual weight. So a drastic drop in calories from your diet will make your resting metabolic rate plummet. The answer is to consume just a little less than your regular requirement of calories a day. This will depend on your level of activity.

Eat a solid breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast eaters lose more weight than breakfast skippers. Metabolic rate slows down while you sleep, and it doesn't get back to normal until you eat again. So if you skip breakfast, your body won't burn as many calories until lunch time. That's why it's smart to start the day with a solid breakfast.

Snack all day
It sounds strange that one should eat continually if one wants to lose weight. But eating five to six mini meals rather than three larger meals every day keeps the metabolism ticking. It will also prevent you from overeating due to hunger pangs. Not more than four hours should elapse between meals.

Pump weights
Weight training is the best way to pep up your resting metabolic rate. As you get older, your resting metabolic rate drops, but weight training can boost it right back on track once again. Muscle burns up much more calories than fat does. Regular strength training can increase your resting metabolic rate.

Break down your workouts into smaller sessions
Whenever possible, slice each of your workouts into two smaller sessions. Instead of 45 minute sessions split it into two surges of exercising. You'll burn more calories that way. Even small bursts of activity are enough to get your metabolism revved.

Pile on the protein
Getting plenty of protein can boost your metabolism, causing you to burn extra calories. Protein is made up mainly of amino acids, which are harder for your body to break down than fat and carbohydrates so you burn more calories digesting proteins. Aim to have a serving of protein, from fish, chicken, cheese, yogurt, legumes and nuts at every meal.

Say no to alcohol
Think twice before gulping down an alcoholic drink before a meal as it causes people to eat more. Drinking with dinner isn't such a good idea either. The body burns off alcohol first. This means that the calories in the rest of the meal are more likely to be stored as fat. If you must, then stick to wine, which packs fewer calories.

And say yes to milk
Load up on low-fat milk. People who consumed milk, yogurt and cheese three to four times a day lost more body fat than those who didn't. Calcium, research say, actually revs up your metabolism. Reap the largest fat-burning benefit by consuming dairy products and calcium supplement everyday.

Get enough sleep
Scrounging on sleep can slow down your metabolism. People who get four hours or less of sleep have more difficulty processing carbohydrates. When you're exhausted, your body lacks the energy to do its normal day-to-day functions, which includes burning calories. As a result metabolism automatically slows down.

De-stress and Chill out
Long term stress can make you fat. When you're perpetually stressed, your body is flooded with stress related hormones, which stimulate fat cells to increase in size and encourage fat storage. Besides, stress sparks your appetite, making you overeat.

As one grows older one’s metabolism slows down. It really does become more difficult to burn calories as efficiently as one could when one was younger. Don’t put it off for another day for until you are older. The time is now. It’s time to put the pedal to the metal and rev up your doddering metabolism.

For motivation read what Victor Hugo has to say about aging: “Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.” So whatever your metabolism rate - you are in your youth anyway!


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